Upcoming SLC 2025 Exhibitor Registration

Thank you for your interest in the annual Ninth District PTA Summer Leadership Conference. This year the conference is on Saturday June 7, 2025, at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice on the University of San Diego campus (map). The exhibitor area will be in the Garden of the Sky area in front of the Kroc Institute. Please review the information below, and then you can register for an exhibitor space at the bottom of this page.

SLC Exhibit areaNinth District PTA’s Summer Leadership Conference brings you an opportunity to engage with hundreds of PTA leaders, members, and decision-makers from across San Diego and Imperial Counties. Our attendees represent children in preschools, elementary, middle, and high schools. PTA leaders value the opportunity to meet and network with providers like you who can help them accomplish their goals.

Registration is online; we are accepting payments by credit card or check, but all payments must be received to Ninth District by 5/18/25.  All attendees will be required to comply with State, County, City and USD requirements for Covid and infectious disease control in effect at the time of the event. If you have any further questions, please call the Ninth District PTA office at 858-268-8077 or email office@ninthdistrictpta.org.

  • Registration Closes – Midnight on May 18, 2025; space is limited, register early to be sure you have a space
  • Proof of Insurance AND completed PTA Hold Harmless agreement (click here to download) must be received no later than May 18, 2025; you may email both documents in pdf format to office@ninthdistrictpta.org
    • Insurance must include $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit, covering, among other risks, the contractual liability assumed by vendor/concessionaire/service provider under the indemnification provision set forth, and includes Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury and Products Liability
  • Exhibitor setup begins 7:00am, June 7; You will not be able to request or be given a specific exhibitor space in advance; location will be given to you when you arrive.
  • Conference Closes 4:00pm, June 7
Exhibitor Space OPTIONS
  • One 10′ wide / 8′ deep space, 6′ folding table, 2 folding chairs, morning coffee; your contact information will be provided to all attendees – $500
  • Electricity – one 120 VAC, 15A outlet – $25
  • Boxed Lunch – Sandwich  – $25
  • Popup’s are allowed.  You may bring your own, but the legs cannot interfere with walkways or adjoining exhibitor spaces.  

Lunch – If you ordered sandwiches, you will be able to choose your preference at a later date.  We will reach out to you with your options at least 2 weeks before the event.

  • SLC 2025 Exhibitor
     7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Details Price Qty
Exhibitor Spaceshow details + $500.00 USD  
Electricity accessshow details + $25.00 USD  
Boxed Lunch - Sandwichshow details + $25.00 USD  


5555 Marian Way, San Diego, California, 92110, United States

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