Leadership Resources / Video Training

A big part of why PTA matters is because we have a safety net of human resources. If a PTA/PTSA needs help, training, or other assistance and is part of a council, contact the council leadership for additional help (click here ninthdistrictpta.org/pta-general-information/units-councils/ to find the appropriate council). If the PTA/PTSA is an out of council association or you are unsure if you are in or out of council, contact Ninth District PTA (858) 268-8077 or office@ninthdistrictpta.org.


Visit our Ninth District YouTube channel for links to all of our training videos. https://www.youtube.com/@NinthDistrictPTA

President Training (September 2022)  This workshop will provide you with the tools needed for today's PTA and empower you to be an effective president. Learn to form a partnership with the principal, set the calendar, develop meeting agendas, and how to build your committees.

Questions?  president@ninthdistrictpta.org

Tax Filing Help (Ninth District PTA October 2022) A step-by-step video on how to file the required government returns.  You can pause the video while you complete your PTA tax returns and have them all done in no time.

Treasurer Training  (Ninth District September 2022) This workshop provides guidance on financial procedures and best practices for PTAs as nonprofit 501 (c) (3) associations. Topics include banking, money handling, financial reporting, tax filing, and more. Questions?  treasurer@ninthdistrictpta.org

Financial Reviewer Training (Ninth District PTA November 2023) A step-by-step video on how a unit auditor should do their job, including the new audit committee requirements.

Click Here to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEMUup3EmYk&list=PLrq-vIK7ObreZTM5wEM1hbFIQrRURF12Q

 Questions?  financial.reviewer@ninthdistrictpta.org

Secretary Training (Ninth District PTA 2022)  Learn the responsibilities of the secretary.  Questions?  secretary@ninthdistrictpta.org

Fundraising: The Rules, Ideas and Challenges (Ninth District PTA 2022) - Join us as we go over the do's and don'ts of fundraising. We will give you the guidelines for raffles, alcohol permits and review the 3-to-1 rules. Learn about various types of fundraisers and the challenges we may face in our new normal.

Questions?  treasurer@ninthdistrictpta.org

Building the PTA Budget (Ninth District PTA 2022) - Have questions about creating your budget? Come get tips on what to include, what not to include , how to decide, and when to present the budget. This workshop would benefit all officers on your board.

Questions?  treasurer@ninthdistrictpta.org

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