Honorary Service Awards

Ninth District PTA Honorary Service Award Recognition

Ninth District PTA opens nominations annually and recognizes recipients at our Annual Meeting & Founders' Day. Nominated individuals/organizations include those who have made significant contributions that positively impact the lives of children, youth or families within Ninth District PTA - San Diego and Imperial Counties. These contributions should be significantly beyond the nominee’s paid position or volunteer role.

This past February Ninth District PTA was delighted to honor and award JoAnn Butler with the Very Special Person Honorary Service Award. JoAnn has worked with PTA and Ninth District for a number of years as our office personnel. Her award was presented by Shawna Straw (current Ninth District President), Anne Emfinger (Ninth District PTA Vice President Leadership Director) as well as some of our past presidents who had the privilege to work with her.

Stay tuned when we announce nominations for the 24-25 Ninth District PTA year!

California State PTA Honorary Service Awards

Honorary Service Awards are awarded throughout the year and are designed as a unique way for PTAs, PTA councils and PTA districts to publicly acknowledge both individuals and organizations for outstanding community service to children and youth in a community. All funds collected with this program are used exclusively to support the California State PTA scholarship and grant programs. Awards may be ordered through the Shop PTA website https://stores.shoppta.com/dashboard.lasso

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